
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Tips and Techniques: Free Virtual Conference

Peer-to-peer fundraising is all about engaging supporters to raise funds from their own networks on your nonprofit’s behalf. It’s a powerful way to extend your fundraising reach through everything from traditional run, walk, and ride events to do-it-yourself fundraising events, to tribute/memorial campaigns. The potential for peer-to-peer fundraising is big. According to the 2022 Peer-to-Peer Top […]

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Simple Ways to Optimize Your Donation Page to Improve Fundraising Results

Are you looking for ways to improve your nonprofit’s fundraising results? We’ve written a lot on this blog about how to use technology to improve fundraising – from using marketing automation to employing artificial intelligence. And while there are many technologies and approaches you can use to drive better fundraising results, one of the simplest […]

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How Marketing Automation Can Make You a Better Fundraiser

As a fundraising professional, you’re probably always on the lookout for new approaches to get more out of your fundraising efforts. There are many ways to improve your fundraising results. However, one highly effective approach that you might not have considered is marketing automation. At first, you might think that automating fundraising and marketing tasks […]

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Top 5 Articles on How to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

The potential for peer-to-peer fundraising is big. According to the 2022 Peer-to-Peer Top 30 report from Peer to Peer Professional Forum, revenue grew nearly 19% among the top 30 U.S. peer-to-peer fundraising programs in 2022. Collective revenue from these programs was more than $1 billion. Even if your nonprofit doesn’t have one of the top […]

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[GUEST POST] Driving Impact: The Crucial Role of Nonprofit Data Integration in Your Strategy

Nonprofits face an everchanging landscape where data is essential to making an impact in the communities they serve. As a result, organizations must reevaluate their strategies and embrace innovative approaches and technology to stay ahead. By harnessing the power of data integration, nonprofits can unlock a wealth of insights and opportunities to engage with supporters, […]

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How to Streamline Your Nonprofit’s Volunteer Management

Volunteers play an important role for nonprofits. They help your organization get more done and they tend to donate more. Even so, many organizations still to manage volunteers using only spreadsheets and manual processes. It’s time to turn this around. Today, there are software solutions that help you streamline your volunteer recruitment efforts to get […]

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Is Email Dying as a Nonprofit Communications Channel?

With all of the communications channels available today, you might ask yourself, “Is email on its way out for nonprofit communications?” It’s true that we have more options today than we had in the past, including texting, social media, and online advertising. But have newer communications channels elbowed out email? Research suggests that not only […]

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6 Ways to Reduce Your Nonprofit’s Software Costs

Your nonprofit’s technology can be a big expense item – especially when it comes to major software, such as your customer relationship management (CRM) or fundraising software. Costs include everything from the software purchase itself to implementation, customization, maintenance, and training. But there are some clever ways you can save money on your nonprofit software. […]

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