
Don’t Miss a Donation!: Proactively Review Sustaining Gift Credit Card Expirations

Sustaining gift donors are some of your most engaged constituents. But, just like most people, they don’t always remember when their credit cards are expiring, or they don’t remember which cards they are using for which ongoing payments. This inevitably leads to declined transactions, and then you’re left to follow up with your sustaining donors to update their information — possibly missing out on months of sustaining gift donations in the process.

Here are some approaches for proactively reviewing sustaining gift credit card expirations so you don’t miss out on those donations:

  • Set up a monthly recurring email campaign to automatically send sustaining donors a reminder that their credit cards will expire soon.
  • Remind your sustaining donors via email as many as 60 to 90 days before their credit cards are set to expire to give them time to update their credit card information.
  • Set up a portal so that sustaining donors can log in and view/update their sustaining gift information and details.
  • Use a credit card updating service that automatically updates sustaining donors’ credit card renewal dates.

Many online marketing tools will support these tactics. If you have questions or would like help setting up these approaches for your organization, contact Cathexis Partners.

by Christina Relacion, Account Manager, Cathexis Partners
Christina has more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing, website editing, video production, and social media. Before joining Cathexis Partners, she served as Communications Manager at the Scleroderma Foundation’s national office.

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