
How to Know When it’s Time for New Software for Your Nonprofit: 3 Signs

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. What do you do when you have a nagging feeling that it’s time for new software for your nonprofit, but you aren’t quite sure? Or when you suddenly realize that you’ve been using the same software for several years and start to wonder if there’s something better […]

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6 Tips for Keeping Your Nonprofit’s Donor Data Clean and Ready to Use

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. When you think about your nonprofit’s technology strategy, donor data might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But maybe it should. Consider this: Data powers your fundraising efforts, drives your donor communications, and feeds your reports. So, no matter how powerful your fundraising and […]

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The Benefits of Using a Wealth Screening Tool for Your Nonprofit’s Fundraising Efforts

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. Wealth screening can be an incredibly effective way to improve your nonprofit’s fundraising initiatives. Whether your nonprofit is large or small, it can help you identify which donors are most likely to give, and how much they might give, based on their wealth and giving history. Of […]

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6 Tips for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Participant Retention

If your nonprofit hosts peer-to-peer fundraising events and/or campaigns, you know the importance of participants. They’re the ones who sign up to raise funds on behalf of your organization. Next to your own nonprofit staff, they’re the ones who can make (or break) your peer-to-peer fundraising. You probably know, then, how critical it is to […]

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Getting Started with a New Technology Plan for Your Nonprofit

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. As a nonprofit professional, you probably recognize the need for a solid technology foundation and strategy. But maybe you aren’t quite sure how to take the next steps for your organization. It can help to first consider what’s happening in the sector. A recent report, The State […]

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How to Execute Your Peer-to-Peer Email Communications Plan and Make Continuous Improvements

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. So, you’ve created a strategy for your peer-to-peer email communications. You’ve segmented your audience, built compelling content, and prepared to design emails that will grab your readers’ attention. Now there’s one thing left to do: Start executing on your plan (and find ways to improve it). In […]

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Top Design and Deliverability Tips for Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Emails

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. As you build email communications for your peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, it’s natural to focus on messaging content. What you say in your peer-to-peer fundraising emails is important. But equally important is how you design those messages and what you do to make sure those messages are received. […]

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Tips for Creating Compelling Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Email Content

This article was originally posted on NonProfit PRO’s blog. There are a lot of effective ways to communicate with your peer-to-peer fundraising participants, such as social media, apps and push notifications, SMS and direct mail – to name a few. But email is still king. It’s a powerful tool for your peer-to-peer fundraising. It can help you […]

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