
How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Fundraising (and More)

Artificial intelligence (AI) used to sound like science fiction. Now it seems like it’s making headlines every day. Some folks seem intimidated by AI-based technology, like ChatGPT. Some are experimenting with what tools like ChatGPT can do. Others are impressed by the possibilities of AI. With all of the hubbub about AI, I wanted to […]

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AddThis is Going Away. Is Your Nonprofit Ready?

You might have heard that the AddThis social sharing tool from Oracle is going away as of the end of May 2023. Since many nonprofits use AddThis on their peer-to-peer fundraising websites (and sometimes their general websites), we thought we’d answer some questions about what tools you can use as an alternative. What to know […]

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Could Your Nonprofit Be Doing More to Optimize Fundraising Results?

You might be looking for ways to raise more funds. But you’re already busy running peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, hosting fundraising events, sending fundraising emails campaigns. The list goes on. How can you improve results without adding another project to the calendar? There are practices you can incorporate into your ongoing work to boost the outcomes […]

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Knowing When It’s Time for New Software for Your Nonprofit

It can be easy to become entrenched in the software your nonprofit uses for customer relationship and donor management. It’s not unusual for organizations to hang onto the same software for multiple years – even decades. Sometimes, the hesitation to change technology comes from a “this is the way we’ve always done it” mentality. Sometimes […]

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How to Work with Influencers to Gain Awareness for Your Nonprofit

These days, we hear a lot about influencers. They seem to be everywhere. You might even follow some on your favorite social media channels. Working with the right influencers can help you increase awareness for your nonprofit’s mission or even for specific campaigns that ultimately support your mission. Let’s consider a few points about how […]

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5 Tips for Paying Less for Your Nonprofit’s New Software

When you’re choosing new software for your nonprofit, there are lots of things to consider. One important aspect is cost. Of course, it’s important to understand the true cost of new software for your nonprofit so you can ensure it fits within your budget. But there’s another way to ensure your software doesn’t break the […]

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Why it’s Important for Nonprofits to Get Past Tech Anxiety

Even when you know that it’s time to upgrade your nonprofit’s software, you might find yourself with anxious thoughts. For example: Our staff is already overloaded with work; moving to new software technology would be too hard. It would take too long to move to new software. I’m not sure the time, effort, and cost […]

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Using Technology to Adapt to Modern Fundraising Challenges

This article was originally posted on the NonProfit PRO Nonprofit Tech Matters blog. Fundraising today can seem more challenging than ever. There are multiple ways to communicate with constituents – from text and social media to email and direct mail. People expect more personalized communications. And economic uncertainty might make you question if people will […]

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Best Practices for Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Participant Portals

When it comes to peer-to-peer fundraising, recruiting participants for your peer-to-peer event/campaign is an important first step. But the real key to success is to get participants actively fundraising. It’s important to help participants by providing fundraising tools, tips, and encouragement throughout the campaign or event. One of the best ways to do this is […]

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