
4 Tips for Making Smart Nonprofit Tech Choices

There are many reasons to move to new software for your nonprofit. You might be ready for more sophisticated fundraising and marketing and you need the right tech to support it. Maybe you need tools that help you work more efficiently. Or maybe you’re ready to use some of the latest technological advances in areas like artificial intelligence, process automation, and data analytics.  

But there are so many products out there, and nonprofit tech is changing so fast. Where do you even start? And how can you be sure to make smart technology choices for your nonprofit?

Here are some practical tips for making smart software choices in today’s complex nonprofit technology environment.

4 tips for making smart nonprofit tech choices

While it’s impossible to predict exactly what changes will come in nonprofit software, there are some things you can do to mitigate some of the potential challenges in today’s nonprofit technology space and get the most out of the software you choose:

1. Don’t wait too long to make technology decisions.
If you think it might be time for new software – whether it’s a new constituent relationship management (CRM) system, new online fundraising software, new peer-to-peer fundraising software, or other new technology – then the change is probably already overdue. The challenges you’re facing with your current software will only linger or get worse, which can have a negative impact on everything from staff productivity and constituent engagement to fundraising results.

2. Look ahead.
Opt for software that can grow with your organization to avoid costly and disruptive challenges down the line. Choose solutions that are flexible enough to support your organization’s goals and needs for the next three to five years, including future changes in the number of users, data volume, and integration with other software and apps. Also, make sure your staff is equipped with the ongoing training and documentation they need to continually perform their roles confidently and efficiently in the software.

TIP: Cathexis Partners can provide expert training to help ensure your staff is working optimally with your nonprofit technology.

3. Make sure the software you choose is a good fit.
Be sure to clearly define goals for your new software. Then, talk with vendors. Ask detailed questions about their software and their product roadmap. Schedule deep-dive demos, asking the vendors to show you specific features and functionality that align with your goals. These activities will help you to see the strongest and weakest areas of the software and where the vendor is investing time and money in the product.

Get more tips to help you find the right nonprofit technology. Read the guide, The Ultimate Checklist for Selecting Software for Your Nonprofit

4. Thoughtfully plan your entire technology stack.
Making individual software choices within the broader context of your entire technology ecosystem can help to mitigate any challenges that may come with changes in the tech marketplace down the road. It can be extremely useful to employ the help of a nonprofit technology consultant like Cathexis Partners as you do this. Our team can help you to plan out your entire technology stack (not just one software solution), confirm that each product you choose is a good match for your needs, and identify and reduce the impact of potential challenges.

TIP: The Cathexis Partners team can help you select and implement the right software for your nonprofit. And if you need help with your technology strategy, our team can work as your virtual CTO to build a thoughtful plan for your whole technology stack.

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