
Tools That Support Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Success

In today’s marketplace, there are many tools that support peer-to-peer fundraising success, presenting nonprofits with more choice and the challenge of finding the right tool for their organization.

We at Cathexis Partners had the privilege of sponsoring and presenting an event for nonprofits in Chicago last week as part of the Nonprofit Success Tour — a series of events run by user groups and partners of salesforce.org.  The focus: tips, insights, and tools to help nonprofits take peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and events to new heights.

I was excited to share with attendees a brief history of peer-to-peer fundraising tools (they’ve come a long way in the last 16 years!) as well as some great examples of best practices and creative approaches to peer-to-peer fundraising. Our friends at DonorDrive and RallyBound also joined the discussion to talk about how the Salesforce Nonprofit Starter Pack (NPSP) integrates with peer-to-peer fundraising software platforms to help nonprofits track constituent engagement and manage peer-to-peer campaigns and events. And, Cathexis Partners’ own Matt Devine showed attendees how Salesforce’s latest release of the Nonprofit Success Pack now offers even more for nonprofits: matching gifts and honor/memorial functionality, campaign tools, and partial soft credit capabilities, just to name some of the new functionality.

Whether you’re just getting started with peer-to-peer fundraising, or you’re looking to take your campaigns and events to a new level, there more than likely is a tool out there that will support your peer-to-peer fundraising needs. Just remember: The world of peer-to-peer fundraising technology is continually evolving, so be sure to research what tools are available today, understand your organization’s specific requirements, request software demos, and ask questions before making a purchase.

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